Context: iPhone application from itunes appstore.
Before: I first chanced across this app during one of those iphone corridor moments (like a chance meeting of show-dog owners) with one of the tech/design savvier colleagues who shared this 'exceptionally well designed', and super esoteric 'Art-director's game' with me. introducing FORMation's EYE vs EYE, a multiplayer iphone game that pits the eyes of two designers/art-directors/color seperators/really bored laymen against each other to closest 'mix' a color using RGB (red, green blue) values. (yes I told you, its not for everyone).
First impressions: I must say that it does an exceptional/unprecedented job of creating a competitive RGB battle/fighter game thing. It and has a remarkably simple and intuitive gameplay format allowing almost anyone (unless you have non-iphone compatible fingers), to easily get into it and give it a proper go. It also looks very slick and if I may say quite 'chic', from the font selections to the pinpoint use of color, it certainly makes your iphone feel a bit more like a Beyond 2000 product for a least a few minutes.
During: The game is surprisingly challenging. And as expected, using red,green and blue spectrums to make a tertiary color can often get a little out of hand, especially depending on the competitive enthusiasm of player two. There are however limits to how many RGB battles you can sustain a person's interests for, and much like the free iphone lightsaber app, it does get a bit "mmm, cool, now what?" after about a minute. I think the longest and most intense game I've ever played was with Eric Foenander (a rather competitive illustrator) and even then we only lasted about 5 ten second rounds.
After: It's not a great feeling beating someone in a RGB battle (unless they're really confident about their abilities and need a good smacking down). And the beat downs can sometimes a feel a bit harsh depending on who you're playing with. However the game does a remarkable job of setting up the stage for an RGB battle, and does look (and play) incredibly slick, not to mention it's a great conversation piece with anyone aesthetically inclined, and does grant you slight bragging rights amongst the designer/iphone application whore crowd.
Still, it did leave me feeling a little hollow and superficial.
Total Score: 6/10
Last words: Also look aout for FORmation's slightly more geeky but less fun Kerning game that plays out like Sextris (sex-tetris) for type-nazis.
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Index: http://www.formationalliance.com/index.php?id=40
If you liked this you may also like: Macromedia Freehand, Helvetica and Beyond 2000
Index: http://www.formationalliance.com/index.php?id=40
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