Thursday, 13 August 2009

Pokka Genmai Green Tea

Title: Pokka Genmai Green Tea

Price point: S$1.65

Context: 7-11, Cheers, Select and all major supermarkets

Before: there was a 2 Pokka bottles for $1.95 promotion going on and i initially just wanted to get a bottle of my usual Oolong tea when i spotted this new flavour and pink packaging in the fridge.

First impressions: The Jap green tea made a pretty decent beverage in my opinion and I thought the Genmai version might be a darker, expresso version. I was so wrong. I had a rude shock when the liquid swirled into my mouth and it wasn't what i expected at all.

During: It was sweetened (when i expected something more like Oolong tea) and tasted like walnut water (it hardly tasted like tea at all). I actually quite like the brewed Genmai tea that they serve in some jap restaurants but this Pokka version just didn't quite do it for me.

After: Tasted way too sweet, artificial, unnatural and left a sour after taste on your tongue.

Total Score: 2/10

Last words: I guess Pokka was just trying to replicate the success that they had on their Jasmine Green Tea with this Genmai version, but i wouldn't recommend it unless you like drinking nuts.

If you liked this you may also like: Almond Tea, Walnuts, Chinese Tea with sugar


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