Thursday, 6 August 2009

Flashpop mini (Blue)

Price point: $2 (Singapore)
Context: At the cashier in most 7/11s in Singapore. This one in particular was purchased at the one on 6th Avenue next to lazy Lizards.
Before: So I happened to wonder into seven eleven for a midnight snack when I chanced upon this... well very sophisticated looking device in the self-standing-candy section of Seven eleven. the giant button beneath the candy was enough to make my brain instantly intepreted as 'OMG OMG an edible light saber!'.

First impressions: Pressing the button and watching the candy light up was enough to get me through (the rather predictable) shitty 'blue-rasberry' flavor, not to mention inserting it into my mouth while pressing the button to watch my cheeks light up in the dark. And yes there are plenty of photo ops with this item.

During: Needless to say, much like the ring pops and lipstick styled pops of my childhood, the flavor and novelty quickly ran out and I never managed to reach the candy coated lightbulb beneath all the blue candy. Thankfully the designers were practical enough to provide a solid lolly-cap case allowing me to save the rest and transport it mess free in my breast pocket.
After: ok, so it tastes like cheap shitty candy and doesn't really excite like a new skittles flavor would, BUT it is the closest thing you'll ever get to swallowing a light saber. Plus it makes for really great clubbing gear, post-drinks amusement and facebook profile pictures. I'd definitely buy it again, just probably not the blue raspberry flavor.

Total Score: 7/10

Last words: best purchased after 8pm.

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1 comment:

Linosaur said...

Hurray! you finally deflowered the blog with your first review! Now everyone can start reviewing their edible underwears and dentures!