Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Review framework

The following is a loose framework for reviewing things. Please try your best to include a photo and/or video as well as fill out all the fields. Delete/overwrite parts in italics (if you should cut-n-paste this) parts in Orange refer to fields outside this text box. Have fun!


Title: Product's most popular name

Price point: (how much the product cost)
Context: (where to find it)
Before: (What drew you to the product)
First impressions: (Opening the packaging, the first bite/whiff/step)
During: (The product experience as a whole)
After: (Post-product reflections)
Total Score: x/10
Last words: (optional tips)

If you liked this you may also like: (name 2-3 items / expereinces, they don't have to be related or even from the same category)

Index: web URLs or any other reference materials to assist us

Labeling should always include product's name(s) and your score

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